Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An observation

So, I am now accumulating half-written posts.  This is probably common, except I'm not supposed to care. There is a commonality to all these discarded posts.  I got interrupted in the middle of writing them.  So I'm happily writing away, whatever I think of writing, and then I get a phone call, or I misjudged the time and I have to leave, or someone shows up who I actually have to pay attention to (just kidding, I pay attention to everyone who appears in front of me unless they are trying to get me to give money.  I just don't think randomly accosting people on the street is the way to do that.  No matter how good your cause.  Also, being rather a bleeding heart liberal if I let you get too far into your cause there comes the chance that I will cough up the money.  Luckily I pretty much never have cash and would never give someone my credit card number for such purpose, so, I'm pretty safe.)

Back to my sort of primary point if I have one. As I leave a trail of half-written posts on topics that I actually liked at the time I have decided not to write a post unless I am absolutely certain that I will have time to finish it.

Why don't I just finish the ones I started? Well, I do come back to it later, sometimes not that much later.  The thing is that in order to get back into the post you have to read it and see what the hell you were talking about.

When I do this, I inevitably discover something interesting.
They're all crap
I can't finish something that's crap to begin with.
I know I'm not supposed to care what anyone else thinks, but this isn't about anyone else.  This is me.  If I decide something is total crap I just can't finish it.  If I finish something and read it and decide it looks stupid I can push 'Publish Post' anyway.  Who cares.  But you can't do that if you've only written half of it.

This means many topics I would like to write about will get left in the dust that gets swept out of my short-term memory.  That's better than writing half a post and being unable to finish it.  At least if I never write about it to start with, there's a chance it could return later on.  If I write and think it sucks, well it will suck forever more.

Edit: I just read the sucky ones, and they don't look so sucky anymore.  Maybe I'll end up posting them

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