Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Glee Episode 4-Duets

First of all - all kinds of happy noises which I will not attempt to reflect in typing in the interests of maintaining some dignity.

This episode was awesome! As usual on so many levels, and it will all come out in a big jumble.

Still not happy with spoilers and all the info that comes out about upcoming shows.  And yet.  I don't actively, aggressively hide from it any more.  And so I know things.  Like dear god that photo of Chris as Riff Raff is freaky.  But I heard some of a clip of a song from tonight's episode but didn't much care because there was no context.  Realized tonight that they release the songs on iTunes before the show airs! Why? I had to hit the back button fast so I wouldn't see the names of the songs on tonight's show.  Okay, enough with the whining.

So what up with Puck? Juvi. Really?  Just to make an odd number? This was one of those times where my brain went off into thoughts which took too long and hence I sort of missed what was actually going on (like the Billionaire thing in Episode 1 but on a smaller scale) So Puck is gone, he's in juvi, something about crashing car into something and an ATM and they were on to the next thing.  Admittedly, I was watching on DVR, so I could have used that little rewind button but whatever.  I always like Puck so he was missed.

Rachel and Finn.  They had some good moments in the Britney show.  Tonight, they were really a couple. Together, in sync.  They are both leaders and they do both like to meddle in everyone else's lives.  Now that they weren't angsty they could combine forces and be sort of benevolently meddling together.  It was awesome.  'Don't Go Breakin My Heart' was really beautiful, and they were super sweet together.  I would usually think such things cheesy and beyond ridiculous, but on glee it fits.  Then their other song, well, I know they said they were going to do a bad song and be offensive, but I guess I forgot the offensive part.  So I just got bored by the song and couldn't pay attention to the lyrics, and thought what the hell is up with the priest collar.  Apparently the whole thing was very offensive.

Speaking of sort of offensive, was that like, a fake bowtie on a t-shirt Rachel wore? Was Will in buffalo plaid? and what up with the white thing Tina wore.  Did she leave Goth behind to go, umm, ugly 19th century?

I'll jump to Mike and Tina now.  Not so fun as a couple now.  The Asian, other Asian thing has worn off, if they're going to be a couple give them a teensy bit of depth.  The idea of going to dim sum all the time with your boyfriend and his mom induces shudders of horror.  I especially was feeling her on the chicken feet.  And now I'm going to go off on a tangent.

When I was in college in NYC I went to dim sum in Chinatown with my friend, her cousin and a friend of his. They were all American but with Taiwanese parents.  They spoke Mandarin, I didn't.  I was nervous about ordering, and they explained that they bring carts around and you just point at what you want.  But then, they had second thoughts and decided to probe me on food preferences and then acceptable things appeared in front of me.  I was curious though about the things on the other side of the table.  So, 'What's this?' I say as I reach over and lift up the lid. Three hands shoot out amongst several voices saying, 'oh no, you don't want that.' I persisted in asking why, and managed to get the lid off.  I still did not understand what I was looking at.  I think they were all looking at me, holding their breath.  So again I said 'What is it?' I got back the name in Chinese.  Not helpful.  Finally I think it was my friend who decided we needed to just give up and move along and announced that they were chicken feet.  Somebody lifted one up out of the dish so I could see, and only then did I actually believe.  In general, I eat whatever is put in front of me, even if I know for sure that I will hate it (I'm a picky eater) but I guess that wasn't really put in front of me so its okay that I went back to my pork buns and shrimp.  Anyway, totally with Tina on chicken feet not being particularly appetizing, at least on appearance alone.

Back to Mike and Tina.  There's no way he actually can't sing.  I was totally looking forward to hearing him sing for the first distinguishable time.  There's no way you can be in a singing group and not sing, and seriously Will? That was the introduction to the guy's voice? They've been singing with him in rehearsal for a year.  Ah, but you say Mike can sing, but not the actor? Nope, not buying it.  Yes he was obviously brought in for dance, but he can sing well enough to do one freakin duet with his girlfriend.  So I guess they just want Mike to be the guy in Glee who can't sing.  Their duet? Cute, silly.  Not interesting, but I guess not really supposed to be.

Oh dear, must speed up.
Quinn and Sam. Awwwwwwwww......
Adorable! I don't even remember what the hell they sang (Okay, Lucky), but it was a great song for their voices, and they were adorable while they did it, and prior and after we had character development for each.  Quinn resisting the attraction and deciding she is not going down that road again she has her life back where she wants it and guys only got her in trouble.  Sam, apparently, is not gay, but also has concerns about honor and would not break his promise to Kurt to sing with him.  One of the best moments.  Sam attempting to seduce Quinn by talking to her in Avatar language. And Quinn rolling her eyes.  Yes! We have a geek, and so Sam begins to have his quirks that make him weird enough to fit into New Directions.

Extremely awkward moment.  Kurt releasing Sam from his promise while Kurt is fully and fabulously clothed and Sam is in the shower.  Like its always awkward when you're in the locker room just getting dressed and people come in who are fully clothed.  Not comfortable.

Quinn softens when they're out to dinner though and decides to date him.  Why? I think because he put the fact that he put lemon juice in his hair and Kurt called him on it in 2 seconds up to Quinn having had a baby.  He was cute and fumbling and all around not intimidating, so it does make sense, and they make a super adorable couple

I forgot about Santana and Mercedes.  Don't know what up with the partnership, need more story than that. I liked most of 'The Boy is Mine' last season, and I like their voices, but, poor song selection? Also, Santana looked like she was dancing in an attempt to make fun of the dancing, while Mercedes was just doing it.  This type of clash is awkward.  Oh well. I want a Santana solo because she was awesome on 'Bad Romance' but otherwise they have her playing second fiddle.

Artie and Brittany sat it out after an incredibly awkward bit with Brittany seducing Artie, for his voice? So she could go to Breadsticks? Maybe the, Brittany is a moronic slut who sleeps with absolutely everything male, schtick is getting old for me.  She did seem to actually recognize that she had hurt Artie and had remorse there, any hope for some development?

And Kurt.  You know I was saving him for last.  First up, yay! Burt is alive and plaster cast of my ass was funny.  As of course, was Kurt providing him with vegan carrot soup.  Adorable child. But poor Kurt has to go through so much crap all the time.  He didn't really meet Sam before, so now he clearly meets him, introduces himself and has immediate crush.   (Crush on Finn was cruelly, well, crushed when he started yelling at him and calling all his stuff faggy.) Finn meddles because he promised Sam he'd be popular and Finn thinks singing with Kurt will destroy any chance of that.  This is sad.  But clearly true (Although why anyone else had to know what they did in glee club is beyond me) He first talks to Kurt and then to Sam, not appearing to make any headway with either, having once again brought up the fact that Kurt had a crush on him the previous year, implying the same was happening with Sam.  Obviously we had seen Kurt start to flirt with Sam already, so that part is true.

Burt, as always, provides sage wisdom but sometimes with a little hard reality mixed in with the do what's best.  He brings up the fact that Finn's mom explained that Kurt had had a crush on him and that's why Finn got so upset.  I'm sorry, but since when does the fact that someone has a crush on you that you don't return give you the right to scream at them in their house and then start throwing around offensive words.  That particular link is lost on me.  But the other part is true.  Kurt's dad told him that until he found someone as brave and open as himself he would probably have to go it alone.  That is true.  It brought to mind how crushed Kurt would be if he got involved with a guy who was or at least kind of was in the closet.  Ouch.  So Kurt splits with Sam, and rather than tell him its for his own good because everyone is once again telling him that his sexuality is bad in that it will hurt Sam, he pulls his stoic mask on, stands up straight and says he wants to sing with the best singer.  Which turns out to be himself.  Takin this go it alone thing quite literally huh.  And we have Victor/Victoria.  I have to confess, I've never seen the show.  I've had a couple of opportunities but it just didn't seem like my style.  I understand that it was the perfect place to go for material here, just not my thing.

Beginning of episode Rachel claims Finn is making her better and making her think about others.  He shows a little brainpower there in pointing out that her example of thinking of others is actually all about what's best for herself, but she requests he just forget all that and go with the plan.

At the end of the episode I was shocked to see Rachel be the one to approach Kurt, to tell him the things he probably needed to hear since last week, and to tell him she wants to sing with him, just to sing with him.  It was beautiful, and one of Rachel's first kind moves this season.  She is sweet when not on overdrive and its lovely to see those moments.

I didn't think I'd like a duet between the two because I wasn't wild about the duet version of Defying Gravity.  Their voices didn't seem to fit together on that.  Boy was I wrong.  The Happy medley (don't feel like typing it out) was really, really beautiful. I loved it.  After 'I want to hold your hand' its the best of the season, and I think 'Don't go Breakin My Heart' might actually be up there as my third.  And 'Lucky' was adorable! Sheesh, why does this show do so many things so well!

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