Sunday, October 10, 2010

Okay, the real reason

I decided to fess up, even though it will seriously hurt my nerd cred.
While I did indeed watch Lie to Me and Bones before Glee this week, that's not what I spent Friday watching.  I was on YouTube catching up on...

Well, this requires some serious explanation in order to not have it look like I'm, well, just totally pathetic.

Way back when I was in high school I got hooked on a daytime soap.  Why are daytime soaps worse than all the nighttime soaps? Well, mostly because they have no budget so their sets suck and there's a tendency towards bizarre stories, and nowadays, the writing is so god-awful atrocious you wonder how on earth these people keep their jobs.  But really, I only know much about one.  So I shouldn't speak for the others.  And I don't know too much about the one I do know something about.

Okay, I'm getting myself all tangled up.

When I was in junior high and high school and beginning of college I would catch, when I could (which was pretty rare since I actually went to school and all that stuff) this show.  And on this show there was a girl who was my age.  She was very smart, known for being good, had dreams of college and a career as a doctor.  Hmm.... in other words, she was me.  With one big difference.  That character was diagnosed with HIV and her boyfriend died of AIDS.  And I watched her, in occasional glimpses go through that, and deal with her own diagnosis and learn to move on.

Until, that is, they went to some bat-shit crazy storyline that made no sense and had her running out of town after months of hell.  That was, in, 1999? Right.

Meandering around the internet a couple years back I found out the actress came back to the show, still my age obviously, a doctor and a researcher.  Hmmmm... Still me.  Only, obviously, she was still living with HIV.

The show is basically total crap, but, every once in a while they throw you a bone that suggests the writers have a clue how to do their jobs, and really its just stringing you along in the hopes that you'll get another bone to remind you of the days 15 years ago when this show broke new ground with that story.

There's no way I would have a clue what was happening except for two things, soap blogs, and youtube.

See, there are these wonderful people who carve up the episodes and post clips with only certain characters in them.  This way I can watch a couple minutes of the show and know what happened to the oh 3 characters I give a damn about without having to see the faces of the screenhogs I'm sick to death of and would very much like to drop-kick off the screen when they do invade my nice little world where I pretend they don't exist.

As usually happens I had stopped paying attention to the show completely, not even watching an occasional clip when they went and threw out one of those bones that sucks me back in.

They brought back the actor who played her first love, the character who died of AIDS, to give her strength as a vision.  This was potential for complete and total disaster.  A few words awry and a historic story could be tainted.  And yet, I had to watch.

And because I can be stupidly compulsive, I didn't just watch the scenes between the two of them, I thought I'd better know what was going on that led up to it, so on Friday I watched clips of that one character over weeks through this crazy bizarre storyline, but damn it, if they had to have my girl drugged and kidnapped by a psycho, escape from said psycho only to fall down a WELL to have her see that vision, so be it.

(But really, an old well? seriously? and also it was like at least 20 feet deep, I'm really bad at estimating volumes and distances, and she went tumbling down in the dark totally drugged up and she wasn't actually injured in any way? It is a soap opera. I know)

The scenes were awesome, and very nearly perfectly awesome.  And I was happy.

She also resisted the temptation to go back to her lying cheating husband who got them into psycho territory in the first place.  I was happy.

Then she went to see an old friend who is a total douchebag now and she is totally digging the idea of her BFF getting back together with him, and pushes him to try to win her over.  Despite the fact that he literally caused said BFF to end up in a mental institution because their relationship was so volatile.

Which, of course, reminded me why I don't watch this show.  Because even in 3 minute clips it can be rage-inducing.  Actually, I don't think I've watched it on an actual tv since 1999.  Even if you try to be a martyr and watch more than 5 minutes of each show, a ff button is just crucial.  Thank god for youtube.... Except, if it wasn't for youtube I would never have watched one minute since 1999 and I would be free of caring what happens to said pint-sized HIV+ doctor. So dunno, maybe youtube sucks.

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