How do shoes relate to Glee? I wish there was a good screencap, but I can't find it. I am totally in love with the boots that Kurt wore when he sang Rose's Turn. Loved the whole look, on him. For me, being a rather boring dresser in general, no skull scarves. But the plaid pants in knee high lace up boots? I will totally do.
Unfortunately, apparently no one else is interested because I can't find boots I want anywhere! I can find worn out, broken down boots. Doc Martens, Harley-Davidson, etc. etc., not appropriate for work, at least not my work. I finally found a gorgeous pair of boots. Just what I want. $400. What!? I don't have that kind of money! But, ummmmm, maybe? Credit card? They're sooooo nice. I've never spent more than maybe max 150 on any one item of apparel.
My mom made my prom dresses, so I've never even had occasion to buy a fancy dress. I still absolutely love my mom for doing that. She is awesome. I had two proms, mine and my boyfriend's. I loved this purple stretch velvet, so she made a floor length slip dress out of that for me. And this periwinkle satin that she made a strapless floorlength A-line gown for me for the other one. Amazing. Whose mom does that? I still have skirts in my closet that she made me 10 years ago. I had one shirt I bought that she hated. Her reaction? She took the shirt and bought some fabric that matched it and made me a skirt. She said if I was going to wear the shirt at least I would have a nice outfit.
Moms don't make shoes though. And I am seriously dying for shoes like these. The only thing I would add is a buckle on the outside of each. I have wasted SOOOO much time hunting for shoes. Looked at every website I can find. This always happens. As soon as I get into my head I want something specific I can't find it anywhere.
That's not my only Glee wardrobe love. I have a thing for the classic patterns. I have like 3 argyle sweaters and 1 argyle sweater vest. I have argyle socks! So if Rachel's argyle sweaters just weren't like yellow, I'd love her clothes too. I like plaid skirts, but I went to a girl's school with plaid skirt uniform and now any plaid, pleated skirt freaks me out, reminds me of high school. Plaid A-line or solid pleated are good. Combine the two and you have a monster.
But it is Kurt whose fashion I love of course. This is obvious and unoriginal, everyone loves Kurt. Everyone loves Kurt's clothes, right? The thing is, this is quiet, mousy little me who wears nothing but black grey, blue and purple. (My friend referred to my laundry on the drying rack as a study in blue. I insisted there was purple, and I claimed to own a few crimson items, but they rarely came out to play.)
It is actually totally bizarre that I would take fashion cues from a flamboyent, male, gay teenage TV character. But he wears glen plaid pants! Mine have sadly gone from being my 'fat' pants to my 'God I hope I don't ever go there again, but, just in case....' pants. He wears pinstripes, with a vest! And a pocketwatch! Oh how I love pocketwatches. They are totally absurd now, but then, I think guys still wear chains attached to their jeans and they are totally pointless too. Probably cheaper than a pocketwatch though. I believe I gave a pocketwatch to an ex-boyfriend. I think he was just as into them as I was. Of course, its entirely possible that actually he was into pocketwatches and I developed a love for their antique charm due to the introduction. Apparently my favorite flavor of cake, German chocolate, I acquired from an ex, and completely forgot that it came from him. Led to slightly awkward moment, but no matter. I think I like Red Velvet just as much now. Its a little showy. However, pretty much if you put cream cheese icing on anything I will eat it, and love it.
This is kinda boring to read. Which doesn't matter too much, since this is essentially my diary. I do realize that it is a diary that anyone can read at any time. I'm not a moron. But no censorship. I wrote this bloody boring collection of words so I will leave it at that. Next time maybe it will come out interesting. After all, this is boring even to me. I don't generally whine about clothes, but who knows, I see attempts to find pants and sweaters, and turtlenecks in my New England weather future. And I probably won't find them. And I will be pissed. And due to some self-inflicted constraints on language I will probably end up whining instead of ranting. *sigh*
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