Friday, September 24, 2010


What on earth possessed me to think, after putting all my towels in the dryer last night,
"Its okay, I'll just remember to pick one up on the way to the shower in the morning"

On what planet did I think this was going to happen? I mean, seriously, you stumble out of bed at 6:30 and shuffle over to the bathroom in your robe, and you're going to remember to detour to the laundry room to pick up a towel?

No, no, instead, you're going to take your shower in blissful peace, shut off the water, open the door, and stand there freezing as it dawns on you that all your freaking towels are in the dryer.

To extend the crazy morning, I have this stupid class to go to, which I repeatedly nodded off in, but just barely avoided actually putting my head down on the table, which I figured was just a tad too obvious.  After that I have to book it to make a shuttle bus.

I'm sitting on the bus, and I swear, I think this guy walking towards me is walking a camel.  We're in front of a hospital.  I don't live in Egypt or somewhere else where camels might be a regular part of the landscape.  But seriously, I thought it was a camel.

Now, he actually wasn't walking anything, not even a large dog.  I mean, if you saw a Great Dane in the corner of your eye, you could be forgiven for thinking it was a camel.  I mean, you'd still be kinda strange, but people would kinda look at you funny and go  'ooooh' instead of just laughing at you and saying 'wtf is wrong with you?'  (Although, if anyone you know actually says 'wtf' they should be defriended.  It's just not appropriate as a word to come out of your mouth rather than your keyboard.)

So, guy.  It was a reflection.  Some weird reflection that ended up looking like a camel.  There was literally nothing there.  I have no idea how something on the sidewalk in between 2 hospital buildings came out looking like a camel.  But I reprimanded my brain and let it go.

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