Saturday, September 4, 2010


So, its kinda fading away a bit now so I must record the horror before I forget it.  I always forget my dreams promptly.  Last night I awoke in a sweat at 3 am.  As I fumbled to gain full consciousness and shake my brain free of restraints I was aware of what I left behind.  In my sleep, I was dreaming.... that I was making an A/R fanvid.  I don't even remember what couple, or story, but given the amount of Glee I've been pumping into my brain of late I'm sure it had something to do with that.  Which means I'm glad I don't remember what the hell I thought I was doing because it might have interfered with future enjoyment.

So, I have nothing against fanvids.  I have certainly been known to view a few of them.  Love the song, love the couple (its always a couple), fun to see how someone pieced together their scenes.  And I realize that this is a huge amount of work to do, because I have absolutely no idea how you do it.  I realize that not knowing how does not guarantee that its a lot of work, but in this case, I think my statement holds water.

However, I have a big problem with A/R vids.  I draw the line there. If you have never seen the show/movie, well then why the hell would you watch? If you have seen the show but you couldn't care less about the characters in the vid, why would you watch? If you have seen the show, and like the couple, and might watch, well, then you've seen the scenes as they actually occurred.  Where the vidmaker is trying to make it seem like character A is smiling at character B, you remember perfectly well that in that scene character A was actually smiling at the character's significant other, character ummm, C? for consistency? So attempting to watch one of these vids requires multiple leaps that tax the brain and beg the question why the hell do I care too many times.  Not fun, usually stupid.  And generally the story is so impossible to divine from the video that the maker has to describe it in detail in the description.  So, a video of random misplaced clips of characters with no actual interaction.

I kinda get where some people might say, but this is actually creative.  You use clips that are available, but you put them together in a different way to tell a different story.  But that's just me seeing the other side for a moment.  They suck.  And I am embarrassed for my brain that it managed to come up with doing that as an activity during its nighttime romp that I can't control. Bad brain.

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