Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fiscal Irresponsibility

In general I consider myself to be pretty good about monetary issues.  I used to always add 'for my age' when I would randomly decide to say that in my head to comfort myself.  However, that is no longer possible.  There is no 'for my age.'  At my age you should have your shit together. But still, there's some evidence that I handle things fairly well.

I pay all my bills on time (Thank god for the internet,  how on earth did people do this when it required stamps, checks and envelopes, as well as a pen?  I mean, that's 4 items you have to gather in order to take care of a bill.  In addition, of course, to the bill itself.)  There have been times I have slipped into credit card debt.  Living in New York City immediately after graduating college is just not supportable unless you sold out and went to work for a bank or a consulting company. (Sell out being the term that all people who don't make as much money as they'd like to use for anyone who is making as much money as they'd like to.)

Now I find myself again, with some, err, let's just say a balance on my credit card.  Why? Moved, two months no salary, surviving on post-doc salary which makes one wonder what you went through 12 years of higher education for.

However, I will throw in here now, even though it doesn't belong, that I do have an IRA! Take that! (Yeah, I know there's jack shit in it.  Oh to anyone who believed I would actually stick to that self-imposed language restraint.  Ha!)

I have noticed though that in some ways I have money totally backwards.  For example, had credit card balance, wanted new computer.  Tacked 2000 onto credit card bill.  Now, want 200 phone.  Waiting to pay off credit card bill first.  What!? Why am I doing this? What caused this seed to take root in my mind, caused me to think that this made any sense.  And I don't mean that 5 years ago when I was an irresponsible child I decided that I just couldn't wait for 2000 computer.  I mean last month I couldn't wait for the 2000 computer.  But apparently I can wait like a good little fiscally responsible girl on a moral high horse until I've actually paid for the 2000 computer before buying the 200 phone.  Order of magnitude difference here.  Drop in bucket. I should buy the damn phone and enjoy it now! I swear that would be the actually sensible thing to do.  But I don't.  Instead I am confident that the bill will be gone in 5 weeks and I will have plenty of money for phone and to start saving for travel fund.

Apologies if anyone wants to see $ scattered all through out there.  I can't be bothered.

Saving for travel fund? Since when do I do this? My approach is to decide I want to go somewhere, and it is high time I went somewhere, because I am sick to death of being wherever I happen to be, and pick a place and go.  Actual funding sources do not usually come into play in this decision.  It probably is a good idea though.  Once I decide I must go somewhere, its not like I'll have the time to save for it.  I'll be too busy figuring out what to take with me.  Its hard to figure out what to expect of the weather halfway around the world.

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