Friday, September 24, 2010


I just discovered crack, I mean Reddit.  I'm generally super slow and way behind the times on computer related things (hence stubborn refusal to learn things which would make this page look more unique.)  So I just came across Reddit today.

And, ummm, hours later...

I can't think of an appropriate exclamation to express my emotion.

I tell it what I'm interested in, and it spits out tons and tons of things about what I'm interested in.  And then, some of those have awesome comments.  But I can't go past like 50 comments before I'm like, 'whatever, on to next topic'  The comments either get REALLY repetitive.  Or, they devolve into a two person invective.  I can see some voyeur getting kicks out of seeing two people go at it with long emotional but still intellectual diatribes.  Not me.

Of course, there are the posts that two comments in are proved to be some sort of hoax.  So everyone thinks this piece is hilarious, which it is.  Person hunts it down and finds it word for word posted in a forum in 2008, writing that that is the oldest one he can find.  This clearly implies that if you copy out the whole thing and post it in Google you will come up with multiple hits and the earliest appeared to be from 2008.  To me this indicates remarkable determination to get things right, damn it!

There's a special girl's area, which is sweet, cause it says basically, you're not allowed to be mean in there or you'll be banned.  Apparently you can be mean in any unisex forums, and there doesn't seem to be a guys only one.  That would probably be sexist.  That said, I love the girl's section! And will probably be checking up on what's posted in there.

I also get my fix of science people.  Obviously I am one.  The thing is, there are science people, and then there are the science people who like to harp forever about how wonderful and perfect science is and how everyone who doesn't agree doesn't get it, and is stupid.  You don't actually want to get involved in a conversation which could in any way be turned towards science with the latter.  Which pretty much means don't talk to them, stay away.

Because if you know a science person, you know that absolutely every conversation comes to hit science in some way.  We throw in a little comment, then say, haha, aren't we funny, cause we're making fun of what big nerds we are.  But really we're not.  Really that's what came into our head to say at that moment.  And our 'speaking to a non-science person filter' slipped and it popped out.  We try to make ammends, but god help you if you try to go with the conversational flow.  Once you've let on to your little science friend that its okay to talk science, god knows when you'll get him/her to stop.

So, us normal ones are a tad dangerous, the militants are impossible to stop.  Of course, its possible that they do this incessantly on the internet to get it out of their systems so they can walk around and be nice and charming to everyone in real life.  This is a distinct possibility.  (I will say though that I have met some moderate militants, and once they go off they are hard to stop, but then, they're talking to me, and I am supposed to be a kindred spirit who will listen and agree.  Which is not to say I do not, my dear, militant science friends.)

Okay, so I wandered back to my crack in the middle of writing.  Thing is, I was wondering why it wasn't working for me for funny things.  I mean, that's what I actually want on the internet, right? Apparently not. What I want to read is amusing extemporaneous commentary on things that I am interested in.  Flat out humor, things that are supposed to be funny, meh.  Okay, even the comics, not that funny.  (I just let out the most pathetic little sigh you can imagine, my shoulders slumped and my eyebrows went together.  I'm telling you, it actually happened.)  So Reddit will not cure my insatiable hunger for things that I find funny.

Of course, the question does arise, if the things other people are laughing at so much that they decide they must share it with the rest of the world are meh to that's just freakin stupid to me, what does that say about my sense of humor?

I mean, I know I put it right out there in my profile.  I know I don't have your standard sense of humor.  But I do think I have one.  right?

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