Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy World

Okay, this is dicey.  I'm going to share this particular little concept of mine, but must try not to sound psychotic in the process.  I promise I'm not.  You see, Happy World is a very useful place.  If I had called it my happy place, it might not sounds so strange, but as luck would have it, when seeking words to describe, Happy World is what came out.

Happy World is a place in your mind you can retreat to for hours on end and live in a world where your biggest dreams actually come true.  You make one little totally unrealistic leap at the beginning, and you're golden.  You can just live in that world instead of the real one.  Obviously you sometimes have to join the real one.  Occasional food consumption and showering strike me as important ones.  Now, lest you think I am simply smacking a label on daydreaming, oh no.  Happy World is daydreaming on crack.  You think of something totally unrealistic and then you LIVE it, for days, not just like space out and daydream about something for an hour.  This is hard-core total escape from reality.

A daydream ends with the wistful thought, oh well, that's never going to happen.  Happy World is left briefly when the real world jolts you out of it, and you return as soon as possible with a big smile on your face as if you are sinking into a bed covered with down pillows.

Why would one want to make use of Happy World?  Well, basically when life is hell.  When everything in your life sucks and you get sick of thinking about how it sucks.  Because Happy World is fun.  It is the most fun you can have, because the dream you hold closest to your heart at that time has come true, and you get to live it.  What can be better than that?

So, why not live in Happy World all the time? It turns out it is only accessible when life sucks.  Once you realize that what you're doing is a little crazy, you start to fear Happy World a little bit.  Is your time there evidence of a mental disorder more severe than just a little depression? Moreover, when people start to help you, tell you that you don't suck, that in reality your life doesn't really suck either, if you believe them even a tiny bit, then, well, Happy World looks absurd.

But once you've been there, you want to hold on to it, who wouldn't? It is truly a magical, happy place.  So then you go back and forth, do I surrender to the joy of Happy World, or live in the slightly better but still sucky real world and make some attempt to improve it.  You start to eye Happy World with mistrust. Perhaps it is causing your life to slip away even more than if you just lay around depressed.  And your trips become fewer and shorter as you reemerge from your funk and join society again.

 Still, Happy World is WAY better than actually experiencing depression

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